Certified Blockchain & Digital Marketing Professional

By Nick
11 · 30 · 21


The Certified Blockchain and Digital Marketing Professional™ certification from the Blockchain Council demonstrates how Blockchain can revolutionize digital marketing. This course covers core concepts of both fields, addressing challenges like ad fraud and middlemen. It focuses on building trust, transparency, and giving customers control over their information using Blockchain. This certification will enhance your expertise and accelerate your career growth by providing a unique skill set.

Blockchain Council - Certified Blockchain & Digital Marketing Professional

Blockchain Council

Certified Blockchain & Digital Marketing Professional 

Completed: November, 2021

course description

Certified Blockchain and Digital Marketing Professional™ is a unique training and certification specially designed to demonstrate how Blockchain can revolutionize digital marketing. This course focuses on the core concepts of digital marketing and Blockchain technology. It discusses how Blockchain can overcome the challenges faced by digital marketers in the current scenario.

The course will render expertise on eliminating digital marketing middlemen, eliminating online ad fraud, building trust and transparency while giving customers full control of their information with the use of Blockchain technology. Certified Blockchain and Digital Marketing Expert training will prove to be your USP and will act as a catalyst to accelerate your career growth.

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